Give my tithe

At Hope City, we believe generosity and giving have always been a part of the Church’s DNA. Having a giving spirit is certainly an attribute that comes from the Lord. We encourage Christ-followers to give their “first fruits” or their first 10% of one’s earnings to God as an act of worship. The Lord promises to bless those who put Him first in all things! In today’s world, money has become a “god” or an idol. Giving our first 10% to God is our way of loving Him and keeping money in its proper perspective.  We are reminded that God is the supplier of all things.

Beyond the tithe

Anything over and above a tithe is considered a “sweet offering” unto the Lord. Many young believers begin by giving 5% or even 10% of their income to the Lord. However, God is also pleased and honored when His people are willing to go beyond the tithe and give sacrificially. What is most important is to give from the heart (2 Cor. 9:7).

Great Commission Fund

When you give to Hope City Church you are supporting both local and global missions! We desire to get the good news of Jesus Christ to all nations including our own (Mt. 28:19).

Here's how you can give:



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Hand-deliver cash or check during service

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