1. Experiencing God
    We experience God through the Holy Spirit, through Gospel center preaching, prayer, worship and through the love of others.

  2. Equipping and making disciples

    Pastors and Christian leaders are to equip the body of believers for the work of the ministry (Eph. 4:10-12, Mt. 28:19). Therefore, we desire to build the kingdom of God one relationship at a time, discover our specific “call” together, use our spiritual gifts, and talents to bless God and each other.

  3. Empowering Families
    We believe a strong family makes a strong church.  We believe we should have a fun atmosphere where kids are loved and natured in the way of the Lord. We also believe that the parent or the parents are ultimately in charge of the discipleship of their kids, so we will do our best to give them the tools they need.

  4. Embracing Diversity
    We are intentional about having a church welcoming all cultures, ethnicities, ages, and economic backgrounds. We desire to be a cross-generational church. This affects everything we do, from our music to our message.

  5. Exercising an Act 2 Church Model
    We are inspired by God’s word to be a forgiving and learning church (Acts 2:42, Eph. 4:32)
    We are inspired by God’s word to be a united and loving church (Acts 2:42-47)
    We are inspired by God’s word to be praying, praising, and giving church (Acts 2:42-47)
    We are inspired by God’s word to be a Spirit-empowered led church (Acts 2:1-43)  
    We are inspired by God’s word to be an evangelistic church (Acts 2:40-46)